“Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left.
The best marketers are farmers, not hunters. Plant, tend, plow, fertilize, weed, repeat.
Let someone else race around after shiny objects.”

Seth Godin - Author, Entrepreneur, Teacher

“It’s not about the quantity of the content, but about the quality of the content.
And it’s not about the quantity of the leads, but about the quality of the audience.”

Ann Handley - Marketer, Speaker, Writer - MarketingProfs

“Traditional marketing and advertising is telling the world you’re a rock star.
Content Marketing is showing the world that you are one.”

Robert Rose - Chief Strategy Officer, Content Marketing Institute

“Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left.
The best marketers are farmers, not hunters. Plant, tend, plow, fertilize, weed, repeat.
Let someone else race around after shiny objects.”

Seth Godin - Author, Entrepreneur, Teacher

“It’s not about the quantity of the content, but about the quality of the content.
And it’s not about the quantity of the leads, but about the quality of the audience.”

Ann Handley - Marketer, Speaker, Writer - MarketingProfs

“Traditional marketing and advertising is telling the world you’re a rock star.
Content Marketing is showing the world that you are one.”

Robert Rose - Chief Strategy Officer, Content Marketing Institute

Dacă te interesează marketingul prin conținut și cum face el diferența la nivel de antreprenoriat sau business corporate în lumea de astăzi, atunci ești în locul potrivit.

Aici găsești resurse, informații și noutăți despre cine, cum și de ce fac content marketing companii din diferite piețe.

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